Tuesday, 1 August 2006

It;s Wednesday morning, 7:45, and in an hour I leave Tokyo and head way down south to Chiran. I have mixed feelings; although I am ready to move into my new home and start to get settled, I am very scared too. I met the other JETs in my prefecture, and they seem alright, but I will miss the friends I:ve made in Ottawa. To commemorate our last night, we went to karaoke yesterday. I:ve finally had the chance to belt out what some consider the worst song ever, We Built This City. Consequently, I have no voice this morning and am very, very tired.

Before karaoke, we Canadians had a meeting at our embassy. The cab ride through parts of Tokyo was amazing. I really wish I had more time to explore and see the city. I went into one electronic store, which was the craziest thing Id ever seen. It:s good that I didn:t buy a laptop because the ones here are generations ahead of N America.

I have much more to write, obviously, but there has yet been no time for thinking and I have to go eat breakfast.


Anonymous said...

we built this city on ROCK AND ROLL... great song laydee. hope you're taking pics and can't wait till you get your laptop. xox

Anonymous said...

good luck out there

Anonymous said...

You are my hero and inspiration, Maya - you can pull through, and you definitely know how to rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey Maya
I'm really sorry I missed the Karaoke. I'm told I do a pretty good Bon Jovi, remind me about it sometime. It sounds like you are doing ok. Incidentally, if you want to read MY blog, it can be found at whatdidijustdo.blogspot.com.