Sunday, 22 October 2006


I started writing a real post, but I felt that the words were not coming out in the manner that I wished, so expect a new post in a day or two. Or maybe not, since I have three evening classes to teach this week and I haven't prepared as much as I would like for them. Anyways, the point of this post is to tell you all know that I now have internet from my house. I got it Friday afternoon when I got home from work and basically since then every moment that I've been at home I've been attached to the computer. This is terrible.

But I did get Skype. I have no idea how to add people and I'm too lazy to ask individually what everyone's screen names are (assuming you have Skype....for the older generation reading this, I suggest going to to find out more). Mine is, funnily enough, batrobot. So please add me and once I figure out if I need a microphone or not please call me!


Anonymous said...

this is thomas, i miss you, i love your stories.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I added you as a Skype contact three days ago and it's still pending authorization! We need to talk my friend. Miss you tons!